Although it’s far more likely that the opposite is true, large predatory animals can pose a threat to humans. Especially if they are females with their own young or nearby, animals may attack people for food or if they feel endangered.
Follow the same guidelines when educating kids about safety with potentially hazardous persons in areas where they might be endangered by lions, bears, alligators, wolves, crocodiles, sharks, or other giant animals. Learn about potential risks and the solutions experts believe are most likely to avoid and stop issues. Be mindful. Based on the advice of the experts, create a safety strategy. Children should be watched until they can defend themselves. Be composed. Create role-playing scenarios so kids can learn to succeed by practicing what to do.
For instance, mountain lions live close to my house. Usually quite timid, these lovely animals have occasionally attacked my family members in areas where we vacation. The California Department makes the following recommendations for Fish and Game based on behavior reviews of mountain lion, tiger, and leopard assaults. Many of them closely resemble advice for staying safe around other predatory animals.
Don’t go hiking alone.
Make a lot of noise to lessen your probability of being startled by a lion. Go in groups, and keep minors under adult supervision. It would help if you carried a robust walking stick since you can use it to scare away lions.
Keep your kids nearby. According to observations, lions that have been captured have shown to be drawn to kids in particular. Keep kids in your line of sight at all times.
Stop! Never try to escape a lion.
If you can do so safely, slowly pull back from it. Running might trigger a lion’s natural desire to pursue and strike. Stand straight and face the lion. Establish eye contact. Pick up any young children you may be carrying so they won’t panic and flee. Please pick them up without leaning over or turning your back on the lion, even though it may seem awkward.
Do not stoop or crouch. Make every effort to seem more significant. Squatting or hunching over makes a person resemble a four-legged predator. Lift your arms. If you’re wearing a jacket, let it out. Throw stones, branches, or whatever you can handle without stooping or turning around. Slowly wave your arms and talk loudly and firmly.
A lion should never be approached, mainly if it feeds or has kittens. The majority of mountain lions will attempt to avoid conflict. Make a path for them to get away.
If attacked, fight back.
If a lion attacks you, make an effort to keep upright. Lions have been chased away by retaliating prey. Some hikers have successfully punished using sticks, hats, jackets, gardening equipment, and even just their bare hands. Try to stay upright and confront the charging lion since they typically try to bite the head or neck.